Volkswagen Passat Service Repair Manual 1998-2005 (Hardcover)
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The Volkswagen Passat Service Manual: 1998-2005 is a comprehensive source of service information and specifications for Volkswagen Passat models built on the B5 platform from 1998 through 2005. Service to Volkswagen owners is of top priority to Volkswagen and has always included the continuing development and introduction of new and expanded services. The aim throughout this manual has been simplicity, clarity and completeness, with practical explanations, step-by-step procedures, and accurate specifications. Whether you're a professional or a do-it yourself Volkswagen owner, this manual will help you understand, care for, and repair your Volkswagen.
Though the do-it-yourself Volkswagen owner will find this manual indispensable as a source of the same detailed maintenance and repair information available at an authorized Volkswagen dealer, the Volkswagen owner who has no intention of working on his or her car will find that reading and owning this manual will make it possible to discuss repairs more intelligently with a professional technician.
Engines covered
- 1.8L turbo gasoline (engine code(s): AEB, ATW, AUG, AWM)
- 2.8L gasoline (engine code(s): AHA, ATQ)
- 4.0L gasoline (engine code: BDP)
Transmissions covered:
- 5-speed manual (transmission codes: 012, 01W)
- 5-speed automatic (transmission code: 01V)
- 6-speed manual (transmission code: 01E)